
Leonardo Camargo Forero
2 min readMay 24, 2021


We describe ourselves as a concatenation of individual dots, anchored to a logic slaved by time and under yet another face of delusion, another mask for the enslavement of separation, individuality, the practical face of a monster we called duality. Yet, each of those dots, each thought you have, each emotion, every person you have met or will meet, all your failures, successes, dreams, ambitions, all your sadness and happiness, everything you would call a part of your life will be forever gone, sooner or later.

And just as death is a known fact, so it is the impermanence of everything, but ask yourself how aware you truly are of these two facts. Do you decide to do whatever you want the next day or the next? Why not doing it today as tomorrow might be potentially too late? Did you apologize with those you hurt? Please do not do it upon their grave. Did you express your emotions, your love or you hided it behind any excuse? Would you go out now and do that you always dreamed of? Would you forgive today? Would you be kind in this instant?

In less time that we might envision, everything will be gone. Why do you care so much about those things you don’t have yet? When you get them and you will, then what? Would you go for the next thing? That milestone and the next and the next and the last one you would ever get, will be gone, sooner or later. Every atom now you call yours, will disappear, will merge, in this day or the next or in a houndred years. Every thought, every emotion, every memory, every person will be gone today or tomorrow or any day now.

Now, if we decide to accept that we own nothing, that we have nothing, that nothing is actually our property and that probably we don’t even exist, at least as we think we do, we come to a crossroad. Yet again, duality spreads its wings. On one path, we can chose to feel sad because under this perspective it would be fairly comfortable to lose all value in everything. On the other path, there is practicality and simplicity, a common saying, exposed by every dogma, religion, philosophical belief and more, we should live in the present, we should be thankful for the people, the things, the moments, the emotions, good or bad, that we have the blessing of experiencing right now. The most pragmatic conclusion would be to love ourselves and every person of the present, a family member, a partner, a friend, an enemy, no matter who, now. To become love itself.

And then maybe, just maybe, a miracle might happen, if we vibrate as love itself, maybe when impermanence reaches its inevitable conclusion, the waves of the universe will embrace us, the little voice in your head, the allmightly, all weak word “I” would lose its meaning for ever, as you will not be you anymore, you will be everything and nothing at the same time and for ever.



Leonardo Camargo Forero

CEO@UbiHPC — HPC/HPRC architect. Ph.D in Aerospace Science and technology , science fiction writer, entrepreneur