
Leonardo Camargo Forero
2 min readAug 10, 2022


When looking at you, I couldn’t help but wonder if you’re scared or just trying to protect yourself. I know what you have said and I believed you from the day we met, but it took me a while to actually understand. It is true, I am very skeptical when faced with the promise of a loving future. Old habits die hard, they say.

Yet, I ask myself if looking at each other’s eyes did have an impact. Your scientific mind may say no, but perhaps the eyes are true mirrors of the soul. Give time to a deep gaze and maybe two parts of God himself will recognize each other in a loving embrace.

Still, even without showing off your beautiful honey eyes, you can certainly get the loving attention of people everywhere. A good case could be made on the fact that you are gorgeous, but I believe it is rather your sweet energy and the ultimate price of your scars.

I would love to say that they were made by the little creature you love so much, but now I know that is not the case. I understand why you did it and I applaud your strategic mind, although I pray that occurrence never to repeat again. It worked though, sometimes a crime can indeed open a heart, at least enough to free those involved.

I confess that I did not notice your scars before but I know that I will see you very soon, so I will touch them, kiss them and I will feel their memories, so I can confirm once again that many beautiful souls emerged from fire and that the most beautiful tattoo is that of a warrior who sacrificed herself in a loving pursuit.

I know I said it before but I’m very glad I have met you !!!



Leonardo Camargo Forero

CEO@UbiHPC — HPC/HPRC architect. Ph.D in Aerospace Science and technology , science fiction writer, entrepreneur